Aspiring for a call center job? I have recently made some research on what call centre companies look for when interviewing candidates for jobs. Interview Tips For Call Center Jobs are based on input from various hiring managers and professionals throughout the call center industry. They have offered information on some basic qualities and skills of what a call centre company would look for their employees, at every level of their organization. So follow the link on Interview Tips For Call Center Jobs to learn what call center companies are looking for their future employees-which may just be you!


JIGADE said...

. I learned a lot through your blog!! I'm planning to shift there soon! I am a phone english teacher now!!

JIGADE said...

Hi thanks for all the help!! But I'm sure be needing some in the near future. I'm planning to apply in TELETECH Novaliches this OCtober.. Can you pls give me some tips??

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh.. too bad the link does not work.. is there any way you can get this link right?

anyway, sybill, thanx for your blog... it's such a great help

Sybill said...

Hey..thanks! I didn't realize it wasn't working. Got it right now....Thanks for visiting and hope it helps.

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